Electric Guitars CD1

Released in 1997
Kitchenware Records SKCD 71
Design by Stylorouge
                                     Produced by Paddy McAloon
(03:42)     Electric Guitars
(01:40)     Dragons
(04:05)     The End Of The Affair

All songs composed by Paddy McAloon

Electric Guitars

From the Album "Andromeda Heights"



The first time I saw you I realised at once
You were an angel in torment how could I desert you?
I vowed in that moment that nothing in this world or any other
Would ever threaten or hurt you

Dragons rage outside your door
I'm on my way to save you
Demons wage unholy  war
I'm on my way to save you          

The forces of darkness may mobilise one hundred million 
Demons, an army to keep you far from me
Determined to stop me, they'll spend eternity regretting 
they ever crossed me - they'll suffer, believe me

The End Of The Affair


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