Andromeda Heights

Released in 1997
Sony Music Entertainment ESCA 6678
Covers and Lyrics
(03:41)   Electric Guitars
(05:01)   A Prisoner Of The Past
(04:37)   The Mystery Of Love
(03:44)   Life´s A Miracle
(04:35)   Anne Marie
(02:47)   Whoever You Are
(03:41)   Steal Your Thunder
(03:59)   Avenue Of Stars
(02:36)   Swans
(04:42)   The Fifth Horseman
(03:36)   Weigthless
(04:07)   Andromeda Heights
(03:52)   Just Because I Can    * 

We´re building a home 
on the side of a mountain 
Above the clouds, 
next to the sky 

*   (bonus track on Japanese version). All songs composed by Paddy McAloon
Design by Stylorouge, Painting by Anne Magill. Photos by Stuart Douglas
Produced by Paddy McAloon

Electric Guitars

I´d a dream that we were rock stars 
And that flash bulbs popped the air 
And girls fainted every time we shook our hair 

We were songbirds, we were Greek Gods 
We were singled out by fate 
We were quoted out of context - it was great 

Grander than castles, Cathedrals or stars 
Electric Guitars!
Riots in airports - everywhere that we go 
Mascara meltdown - hysteria-a-go-go 
Electric Guitars! Electric Guitars!

Grander than castles, Cathedrals or stars 
Electric Guitars!
Riots in airports - everywhere that we go 
Mascara meltdown - hysteria-a-go-go 

When I woke up I was laughing 
Well what else was I to do 
Every detail of the dream I had was true 

We were songbirds, we were Greek Gods 
We were singled out by fate 
We were quoted out of context - we were ... great 

Grander than castles, Cathedrals or stars 
Electric Guitars!
Riots in airports, everywhere that we go 
Mascara meltdown - hysteria-a-go-go 
Electric Guitars!

Grander than castles, Cathedrals or stars 
Electric Guitars!
Riots in airports, everywhere that we go 
Mascara meltdown - hysteria-a-go-go 

Grander than castles, Cathedrals or stars 
Everywhere that we go 
Electric Guitars!
Mascara meltdown - hysteria-a-go-go-jo-jo 
Electric Guitars! Electric Guitars!

Electric Guitars!

A Prisoner Of The Past

I´m a ghost to you now, I´m someone you don´t really wish to see 
I´m a ghost to you now, a shadow since you turned your back on me 
Maybe you´ll learn why it was I shook 
Baby your turn to wear the haunted look 

This ghost is here to stay 
I survived the blast 
Get ready, get ready to pay 
I´m taking you at last -
A prisoner of the past 
This ghost is here to stay 
He survived the blast 
Get ready, get ready to say 
I´ve found my niche at last
A prisoner of the past 

Anywhere that you go, I´m going to be the welcome there for 
Everywhere that you go - be certain that the table´s set for two !
Maybe you´ll learn - there´s nowhere you can go 
Baby you´ll turn - as white, as white as snow 


This ghost is here to stay 
I survived the blast 
Get ready, get ready to pay 
I´m taking you at last 
A prisoner of the past 

The Mystery Of Love

Have you ever thought who made all those stars
in the endless sky above 
It's a mystery, but no mystery like the mystery of love

Should I live to see someone smarter than me
Explain the secrets of the skies
I won't be too impressed, I've got a thougher test
What's going on behind your eyes ?

What you see in me I will never know
That's the mystery of love
But each time we kiss
Ignorance is bliss - That's the mystery of love

That's the mystery, that's the mystery, that's the mystery of love
That's the mystery, that's the mystery, that's the mystery of love

What you see in me I will never know 
That's the mystery of love
But each time we kiss
Ignorance is bliss - That's the mystery of love

And while I do not know who made them long ago
I love the stars that light the night
And when you take my hand - what is there to understand ?
I only know that it feels right

Yes each time we kiss 
Ignorance is bliss - That's the mystery of love

That's the mystery, that's the mystery, that's the mystery of love
That's the mystery, that's the mystery, that's the mystery of love

What you see in me I will never know

Life´s A Miracle

Say, what you doin´ sleeping ?
Hey half of the day is gone 
Get a move on 

Life´s a miracle, let me tell you why 
If you look above you, there are no more stars 
Like this one in the sky 

Life´s a miracle, we gotta make the most 
Of the passing moment 
Gotta do our best, there´ll be time enough to rest 

Gotta do our best, there´ll be time enough to rest 

Tell someone you love them - there´s always a way 
And if the dead could speak I know what they would say 
To you and me - don´t waste another day 

Show someone you love them, don´t be scared to care 
And if they fall into yoour arms you´ll be surprised to find 
The weight that you can bear, because 

Life´s a miracle, we gotta do our best 
Before it´s time to rest 
Life´s a miracle - it´s a summer´s day 
It´s a passing moment!
Enjoy the sky, be a brilliant butterfly!

Tell someone you love them, there´s always a way 
And if the dead could speak I know what they would say 
To you and me - don´t waste another day 

Show someone you love them, don´t be scared to care 
And if they fall into your arms you´ll be surprised to find 
The weight that you can bear, because 

Life´s a miracle 
Life´s a miracle 
Life´s a miracle 

Anne Marie

There's a person that I'd like to be, Anne Marie
I can glimpse him when you're next to me, Anne Marie
There is music that no-one can hear, Anne Marie
Yet it's audible when you are near

Anne Marie, Anne Marie, what am I to do ?
You are married to someone else yet
Every waking hour I think of you
Oh listen to me Anne Marie

Anne Marie, Anne Marie, nothing much is new
I've a history of wanting what I 
Cannot have - this time it is you
Don't listen to me Anne Marie

Anne Marie, there's a person that I'd like to be, Anne Marie
I can glimpse him when you're next to me, Anne Marie
There is music that no-one can hear, Anne Marie
Yet it's audible when you are near

Oh Anne Marie, this world's an unfamiliar place I see
When you're with me, when you're with me I hear
Strange music in undiscovered keys
When you're with me, when you're with me

Anne Marie, Anne Marie, it's time to walk away
I have never been noble but then 
Maybe being noble feels this way, 
When you're next to me Anne Marie

Anne Marie, and though it's time I can't believe
That I'm saying goodbye
Anne Marie - why ?

Whoever You Are

Whoever you are I am looking for you
On street after street, in bar after bar
The search for love is never ending
Whoever you are

Wherever you are I'm prepared to travel
No matter how long no matter how far
Now it may be eternity before I see you
Whoever you are

And while I search for you 
I'll leave my door ajar

Whoever you are you may well be weary
From dragging your feet round this little star
But don't despair one step you're there
You have to meet me...

Whoever you are 

Steal Your Thunder

Perhaps one day I´ll love another 
Whose eyes may be storm cloud grey 
Whose very kiss is as hot as summer 
With the suns every ray 

But no-one´s ever, ever gonna steel 
Ever gonna steal your thunder 
Never, ever gonna steal 
Ever gonna steal your thunder 
Never, ever gonna steal your thunder 

Of course, I might get lucky 
And roll a six on the dice 
Three is a chance I´ll be lucky 
And see lightning strike twice 

But no-one´s ever, ever gonna steel 
Ever gonna steal your thunder 
Never, ever gonna steal 
Ever gonna steal 

No-one´s ever, ever gonna steal, ever gonna steal your thunder 
No-one´s ever, ever gonna steal your thunder 

Avenue Of Stars

Love is an Avenue of Stars, I know because I've seen the glow
Lighting up faces, faces that have been
Close enough to shine at what they have seen

Love is an Avenue of Stars, and if it is light years away
One day I'll get there nursing tired feet
Happy beyond words to be on that street

Each step is hard, each step is slow
Each step unsure and yet I know

Love is an Avenue of Stars and though I'm tired and I'm lame
My will is iron and one day I will race
Down that silver highway, light on my face

Until then, until that day
One single thought lights up the way

Love is an Avenue of Stars

Avenue of Stars, Avenue of Stars, Avenue of Stars 


Swans and their partners they stay 
Faithful forever or die on the water 
Foxes are only good for 
Ruffling feathers, leading lambs to the slaughter 

Swans - effortlessly beautiful take care!
You ought to be aware of foxes hiding 
Go on - there´s time for you to sail back to his side 
While I forget I ever saw you gliding 

Swans and their partners they stay 
Faith forever or die on the water 

Swans - effortlessly beautiful take care!
You ought to be aware of foxes hiding 
Go on - still time for you to sail back to his side 
While I forget I ever saw you gliding 

Swans, Swans 

The Fifth Horseman

You don't have to see me to know that I´m around 
Pupils dilate, the anxious heart will pound 
If you´ve a problem sleeping, well that´s a danger sign 
It means your troubled heart will soon be mine 

The Bible mentions four 
I tell you there´s one more 

Love is the Fifth Horseman, Love is the Fifth Horseman 
Love is the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse 

So know that I could catch you at any time I choose 
I do not feel the ground beneath my shoes 
This stallion I am riding, his pedigree, his pride 
Won´t let him rest ´til I am by your side 

The Bible mentions four 
I´m living proof of more ...

Love is the Fifth Horseman, Love is the Fifth Horseman 
Love is the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse 


Who was Yuri Gagarin ?
He was the first man in funky bass ... space

Somewhere among the stars tonight, my heart 
Floats like a Russian satellite
Weightless - love is a pure sensation
Weightless - I feel like Yuri Gagarin

Somewhere among the stars tonight
I call out to a passing fireball
Weightless - love is a pure sensation
Weightless - I feel like Yuri Gagarin

Weightless among the stars tonight 
Weightless among the stars
Love put me in space way above the trees 
Listen NASA can you get my heart back please ?

Weightless among the stars tonight 
Weightless among the stars
Love has given me a new slant on it all 
The Galaxy's a nightclub, Earth's a mirror ball !


Somewhere among the stars tonight I spin
And only you can reel me in
Weightless - love is a pure sensation
Weightless - I feel like Yuri, I feel like Yuri Gagarin

Gagarin, Gagarin, Gagarin

Andromeda Heights

We´re building a home on the side of a mountain 
Above the clouds, next to the sky 
And after our labours our stars will be neighbours 
We´ll take our place with them in space 

We´re not using concrete or plaster or wood 
The´d lower the tone of our new neighbourhood 
And mortar will crumble with age and neglect 
We´re bulding our home on love and respect 
And when we´ve built it we´ll call it Andromeda Heights 
When we´ve built it we´ll call it Andromeda Heights 
When we´ve built it we´ll call it Andromeda Heights 

We´re building a home on the side of a mountain 
Above the clouds, next to the sky 
Our plans are ambitious - a blueprint of wishes 
That will come true and when they do...

Folks in the valley will come up and say 
You´ve finally built it can we come and stay?
And cynics will marvel and say we confess -
But now that we´ve seen it we know it´s Andromeda Heights 
Now we´ve seen it we know it´s Andromeda Heights 
Now we´ve seen it we know it´s Andromeda Heights 

We´re building a home on the side of a mountain 
Above the clouds, next to the sky 
And after our labours our stars will be neighbours 
We´ll take our place with them in space 

Just Because I Can

Whoa Whoa
When the wolfman came to town
Whoa Whoa
He ate the princess and her crown
If you ask him why
Wolfman will reply

Just because the rhythm´s right
Just because the moon is white
Just because I can
Just because I can
Just because you fit the bill
Just because a look can kill
Just because I will
Just because I will
Ever since the world began
Ever since the dawn of man
It´s just because I can

Whoa Whoa
When the princess saw the beast
Whoa Whoa
She smiled and organised a feast
If you ask her why
Princess will reply

Just because the rhythm´s right
Just because the moon is white
Just because I can
Just because I can
Just because you fit the bill
Just because a look can kill
Just because I will
Just because I will
Ever since the world began
Ever since the dawn of man
It´s just because I can
